In the landscaping business we celebrate April Fools Day. An April Fool of course is someone that believes that the New Year begins on April 1st.
Some writers suggest that April Fools' originated because those who celebrated on the 1st of January made fun of those who celebrated on other dates.

In my business the April Fool is a client that calls on the first sunny day of spring to begin planning their property maintenance for the year.
By April we are pretty booked and while we can make accommodations, we are already well into the season for that first property assessment and fertilization.
Our New Year starts in the late fall, when we say good-bye to clients for the season. With winter setting in we put the snow tires on our trucks and occupy ourselves with a different occupation.
Clients that love us (and who doesn’t) sign new contracts for the spring on that November day and when the first break in winter weather comes, we are available to walk the grounds and discuss the upcoming season.
We actually fertilize on spring snow cover so long as there is not going to be any run off and the lawn can absorb the nutrients. With that kind of early attention we’ll get to fertilizing your lawn 4 – 5 even 6 times in a season, treating it like the baby it is.
Unlike a baby, your lawn is the last thing to get the nutrients it needs. That beautiful tree in the area will suck up all the water and when the bugs come well, that is just indicative of neglect.
Being proactive with your lawn care is always the best option, replacing a lawn (best done in the fall) is always a more expensive proposition than maintaining it. And when you are maintaining it you can hire us to do all the heavy lifting or partner with us and take on some of the tasks yourself.
That’s how we roll (and aerate and fertilize and de-thatch). Every client is treated differently and we would love to “partner” with you in order to help make your lawn the best it can be.
Booking a spring clean up? That’s a call you make in January.
You see, a Fall clean up isn’t booked in the Fall, but over the summer some time. In the fall you book your summer and in the November you book for March.
Clear as mud, what?
All foolery aside, we are never too busy to take your call, any time of the year. We like to have fun with our friends and neighbours on April Fools day like anybody else, but are serious when it comes to your landscape and property maintenance needs.
Earth Angel Landscape and Property Maintenance.